Lehmann Print Solutions

Trading Terms and Conditions


  1. Lehmann Print Solutions will only accept electronic artwork file (Multipage PDF) created in either Windows or Mac OS applications.
  2. Whilst Lehmann Print Solutions accept resupplied artwork it is purely at our discretion; no changes can be made once the job has commenced printing.
  3. Should clients wish to reprint a previously printed order, it is important that the job subtype and correct artwork accompany the reprint job. It the artwork is not the same as the reprint and has been amended, then a new order must be placed online with the new artwork.
  4. Lehmann Print Solutions do not colour match business cards. All printing product colours may vary from day to
    day, press to press, board to board and back to front. Varnishes and laminates may also affect colour output. Lehmann Print Solutions will not reprint due to colour or shade discrepancies. Our bulk running system does NOT allow for this. DO NOT USE THIS SYSTEM IF YOU REQUIRE COLOUR MATCHING.
  5. Overprinting or Trapping issues are not Lehmann Print Solutions responsibility and lie solely with parties responsible for the development of ‘Art’. We print using overprint settings to assist with trapping.
  6. Whilst all care is taken in checking your files for file related errors that may reduce the quality of your job, Lehmann Print Solutions accept no responsibility for files that are not print ready. This includes the presence of spot colours, RGB, or any other instances of non-CMYK artwork assets or colour-space. All such instances will be run as CMYK only with Lehmann Print Solutions accepting no responsibility for any issues arising from this process. All jobs supplied will be printed as supplied.
  7. With exception to spot colours, RGB, or any other instances of non-CMYK artwork assets or colour-space, Lehmann Print Solutions will not manipulate or alter any artwork.


Please note there can be a trimming variance of plus or minus three millimetres due to automated cutting systems (no guillotine). Please allow for this when setting up artwork (i.e. allow between 2 – 3mm bleed all around and keep important information 3 – 5mm in from trim lines).


Validity. All quotations are valid for 30 days from the date of the quotation and are subject to change thereafter.

Acceptance of Quotation.
Upon acceptance of the quotation, the client enters into a contract of sale, and agrees to
all associated terms and conditions (as outlined in this document).

Lehmann Print Solutions will provide a quotation based on the highest quality materials and workmanship. At client’s request we can offer less expensive options where available, however the client should be aware that quality may be affected.

Undisclosed information.
All quotations are made in good faith on the information supplied. We reserve the right to notify and charge additional costs to the client if the information supplied is incorrect or unobtainable at time of quoting.

Quotation Variations.
Product details will be displayed on your quotation. Your signed acceptance of the quotation is based on the understanding that changes to the quantities, product specifications and/or finalised artwork proofs will incur additional costs.

Additional extras.
Extras such as laminating and anti-graffiti coating are not automatically included in quotations. They can be included at the client’s request, and when included will be specifically mentioned in the detail of the quotation.

Site Surveys

Pre-Quote Site Survey.
Some projects may require a pre-quote Site Survey to be completed. This will provide Lehmann Print Solutions with the necessary information to accurately provide a full quotation. In this situation, the client will be charged a set fee to cover the costs of completing the Site Survey.

Accuracy of Measurements.
Where Lehmann Print Solutions staff have completed the site survey and taken specific measurements, Lehmann Print Solutions will assume responsibility for the accuracy of the measurements. Conversely, where measurements provided to us by the client are found to be inaccurate, any additional charges associated with re-printing / re-installation will be passed onto the client.


Print Readiness.
No charges are incurred if artwork files are supplied in acceptable print ready format. Please refer to our Artwork Specifications (below) to ensure your file format is correct.

It is the responsibility of the client to obtain all necessary rights and licences required to reproduce logos or artwork not created by Lehmann Print Solutions.

Loss of Artwork.
All artwork provided to us must be a copy of your original. We accept no responsibility for the loss of original artwork files provided to us.

Our experienced art department is able to assist you with the setup and/or design of your product. Fees for this service are charged at a fixed or hourly rate depending on the project. This information will be specified on your quote.

When proofing artwork electronically, colours seen onscreen should not be considered a 100% accurate representation of the final printed product. Accurate full colour printed proofs are available upon request at a nominal fee. It is also the responsibility of the client to double check that all information and details displayed in the artwork are correct. The cost of alteration and reprinting will be charged to the client.

Artwork Variations.
Your signed acceptance of the quotation is based on the understanding that variations to the finalised artwork proof will incur additional costs. These costs will be based upon the quantity and complexity of the changes.

Colour Matching.
For specific colour matching or use of a specific PMS colour an additional fee of $35.00 will be charged. Lehmann Print Solutions provides a selection of common colours only and purchasers should be aware they may vary slightly depending on the type of material used.

Any artwork provided to a client remains the property of Lehmann Print Solutions until payment in full has been received. Digital or physical reproduction of said artwork without written permission (for purposes other than proofing) is not permitted and is an infringement of copyright law.

Artwork Specifications

Print Readiness.
Finished artwork is to be supplied in print-ready EPS or PDF format, with all fonts converted to outlines. Clients providing artwork in any format other than this will be charged an additional fee.

Printing and Production

Substrate and Fixing Methods.
Where requested (and quoted) we will endeavour to provide the most appropriate fixing method for signage. However, Lehmann Print Solutions accepts no responsibility in situations where signage is installed by others.

Production & Installation Time

Production and installation times will be advised on your quotation as they do vary depending on the individual job/ product/ order specifications. Although every effort is made to meet the agreed deadline, we cannot take responsibility for factors outside our control (such as weather, other contractors, suppliers).

Councils, Committees, Engineers and Bodies Corporate

It is the responsibility of the client to gain approval from councils, committees, engineers or bodies corporate regarding the installation of signage. Any project requiring digging into the ground requires the client to use the ‘Dial Before You Dig’ service. However, we are happy to work with clients to ensure a smooth process and to achieve the desired result.

Payment of any fees incurred from council, committees, engineers or body corporate during the sign installation process will be the responsibility of the client.

If there are restrictions and/or regulations pertaining to your project (e.g. specific colours, sizes required by a governing body), details must be supplied to us prior to the commencement of the project. Although our staff will be able to provide assistance regarding these matters, it is ultimately the responsibility of the client to undertake such research and ensure all aspects of the artwork are approved prior to production. If the required information is not provided, Lehmann Print Solutions will take no responsibility for the cost of alteration or re-production.

These costs will be charged to the client.

Additional Charges

Electrical work.
We are happy to organise any electrical work that is required to complete the sign installation project, however the cost for such electrical work will be charged to the client.

Rock Clause.
In projects where sign installation requires digging into the ground, and rock is found to be present, additional costs to continue digging or drilling will be charged to the client.

After hours charge.
Some projects may require sign installation outside of working hours (due to access issues or council requirements). In this situation, an additional charge to cover staff wages etc will need to be applied.

Ownership of Property

All goods will remain the property of Lehmann Print Solutions until such time that all associated costs are paid in full. All artwork proofs submitted to the client for approval remain the property of Lehmann Print Solutions. All original artwork, designs and layouts are owned by Lehmann Print Solutions.

Refunds and Warranties

Returns will only be accepted if goods are not supplied as per order or at an unreasonable quality. Returns/Claims must be reported in writing within 7 days of pickup/delivery, and no claims will be accepted after this time, unless otherwise stated. Lehmann Print Solutions aims to provide our customers with the highest quality service combined with the ideal product to suit your specific needs. If you do have a returns enquiry, please call us to discuss the available options.

General Warranty.
Lehmann Print Solutions will provide a one (1) year limited warranty to the original purchaser covering defects in materials and workmanship. Lehmann Print Solutions must be notified in writing within one (1) year of the delivery date. Lehmann Print Solutions will determine if the product is faulty. Warranty does not cover vandalism, misuse and alterations made by the customer. Warranty is limited to the cost of the product only.

Vehicle Signage Warranty.
For this warranty to be valid for vehicle signage, client must return the signed vehicle for a check up within 2 weeks of delivery date.


The client agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified Lehmann Print Solutions, its owners, directors and employees against any action, and must pay the amount of all losses, liabilities, costs (including legal costs) expenses and damages incurred or arising in connection with:

  • incorrect information used on any product designed or supplied to Lehmann Print Solutions trademark infringements
  • any act or omission of the client, its staff, advisors or contractors and any claim brought by any person in relation to such act or omission.


  1. Lehmann Print Solutions will not be held liable for any jobs that are delayed either from within our production facility or by any third party provider. Lehmann Print Solutions will not be held liable for any loss of earnings or any legal action taken as a result of a delay in production or delivery.
  2. If the goods are delivered in a damaged condition or in damaged boxes, it is your responsibility to note this on the delivery docket with the courier immediately upon delivery. Any goods signed for will not be reprinted unless this has been done.
  3. Where applicable, all deliveries under 5kg are sent via airfreight, over 5kg deliveries are sent road freight unless otherwise stated on order. This may affect the price.
  4. Clients who send orders direct to their customers need to ensure that delivery details are completed in full i.e. contact name, telephone number and address. Should our couriers not be able to deliver any orders due to insufficient or incorrect address details, or if the address is unattended during business hours Monday to Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm (no one is there) the goods will subsequently need re-delivery. An invoice for re-delivery fees will be issued to the respective client who placed the order with Lehmann Print Solutions.
  5. Clients and their customers who make alternative arrangements with Toll Ipec regarding delivery with the special instruction “Authority to Leave” or “Leave parcel at the door if no one is there” without signature of recipient of their goods should note that Lehmann Print Solutions will not be held responsible for any missing, lost or damaged goods.


  1. All prepaid customers are required to make full payment upfront for all orders placed prior to production. Orders will not be processed until full payment has been received and confirmed by Lehmann Print Solutions.
  2. All goods are sold ‘ex-factory’.
  3. All prices are subject to change without notice.
  4. Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice.
  5. Lehmann Print Solutions will charge a penalty of 5% flat immediately on all overdue accounts.

Reporting Errors

Any queries regarding printing or finishing errors must be made in writing by email or fax within 5 working days of receipt of goods . All reprint requests must be made via the Autopsy Report form and a sample of the goods in question be posted to Lehmann Print Solutions. If the error is clearly identified as a printing or finishing error, all steps will be taken to rectify. If the problem is a result of incorrect artwork the client will be responsible for the reprinting
and any associated costs.


Lehmann Print Solutions

How can Lehmann Print Solutions help you?

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